The WeatherCams below refresh automatically every 15 seconds and are updated 24 hours a day.

All WeatherCam images will auto-refresh in: seconds.


This WeatherCam is located at the FifeWeather station at Lochgelly and points 310°NW towards Loch Ore and Benarty Hill.

You can view a history of today's weathercam images, or browse the time-lapse video library using the WeatherCam menu to the left.

(Click image for today's weathercam history.)


The Aberdour WeatherCam went live on October the 10th 2014, and brings stunning views from the Firth of Forth. The camera points due East from Aberdour, towards Burntisland. The Craigkelly TV trasmitter tower, located above Burntisland, can be made out on the very left side of frame, whilst the Island of Inchkeith borders the right hand side of frame.

(Click image for today's weathercam history.)


The Anstruther WeatherCam went live on November 20th, 2014, and brings the picturesque Anstruther harbour to the Internet. The camera faces due South, overlooking the harbour. My sincere thanks to the Scottish Fisheries Museum, for accommodating this weathercam.

(Click image for today's weathercam history.)

Scottish Fisheries Museum

Forth View

The Forth View Weathercam went live on January 26th, 2020. Based in Wester Newburn, this camera looks south over the Firth of Forth, from the western edge of the East Neuk of Fife. My gratitude to the Forth House Caravan Park, for hosting this camera, along with the Upper Largo cam.

Forth View
(Click image for today's weathercam history.)


The new Kinghorn Weathercam is the first contributor-operated camera on FifeWeather and went live on October the 8th, 2022. It points South South-East from Kinghorn, overlooking the Forth towards East Lothian and includes an overlay of live weather data from a nearby weather station. The island of Inchkeith can be seen towards the right-hand edge of the view and North Berwick Law is just visible on the very left on clear days. My thanks to the operators/owners of this camera (and associated weather station) for providing this exclusive live feed to You can check out the owner's own time-lapse videos and other media from this camera on instagram at

(Click image for today's weathercam history.)

St Andrews

The St Andews Weathercam went live on the 26th of November 2015 and provides views looking North from the western edge of St. Andrews, overlooking the St. Andrews Links clubhouse (very left of frame) and West Sands beach. Tentsmuir Forest can be seen in the middle distance on the left of frame, and beyond that is Tayside, on the northern side of the Firth of Tay.

St Andrews
(Click image for today's weathercam history.)

Upper Largo

The WeatherCam above Upper Largo, went live on the 28th of February 2016 and provides views looking West/South West from the hills behind Upper Largo, in the East Neuk of Fife. Largo Law can be seen on the right hand side of the frame, whilst the southern coast of Fife can be seen towards the left side. At night, the lights of Leven can be clearly seen, just to the left of centre frame. My thanks to the kind folk at Forth House Caravan Site for accommodating the WeatherCam, at their picturesque location.

Upper Largo Cam
(Click image for today's weathercam history.)

Forth House Caravan Site

St Andrews SkyCam

The all-sky camera, located atop the University of St Andrews, went live on the 13th of July 2016. This unique high-definition camera, provides near 360° views of sky conditions over the St Andrews area and updates once a minute. As the camera is sensitive in the Near Infrared (NIR) spectrum, it is possible to ascertain cloud cover, even at night.

The compass rose in the bottom left-hand corner of the image, indicates the orientation of the SkyCam. Compared to a street map, on which we look down, on the SkyCam image, East and West seem "reversed" because the SkyCam is instead, looking straight up. Imagine you are lying on the ground, looking vertically up to the sky with your feet pointing to the South. West is at your right and east at your left hand side, exactly as it is displayed on the SkyCam's compass rose.

I am hugely grateful to the staff in the Millimetre Wave & ERP Group, at the University of St Andrews, for their assistance with deploying this SkyCam and the St Andrews Weathercam.

St Andrews SkyCam
(Click image for today's weathercam history.)

Live Video Streams

The live video views do not have the weather data overlay, but they does boast a full 25 frames-per-second live video feed from the Lochgelly and Aberdour weathercams, also operating 24x7.

Aberdour Live StreamLochgelly Live Stream

Latest Time Lapse Videos

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Lochgelly Timelapse Video - 27 March 2025

Aberdour Timelapse Video - 27 March 2025

Anstruther Timelapse Video - 27 March 2025

Kinghorn Timelapse Video - 27 March 2025

Forth View Timelapse Video - 27 March 2025

St Andrews WeatherCam Timelapse Video - 27 March 2025

Upper Largo Timelapse Video - 27 March 2025

St Andrews All Sky Timelapse Video - 27 March 2025

More time-lapse videos.