Unfortunately my East Fife weather station has suffered from a sensor failure, which has taken the station offline.

Update 17/07/2024 - New hardware is on its way and as soon as it arrives I'll be aiming to get on-site to install it. This may be as soon as this weekend, depending on the courier.

 I was able to visit the site of the station this morning and carry out troubleshooting but I unable to resolve the problem on the spot and have had to engage the manufacturer for further support and likely repair.

Whilst I'm trying to get it sorted as soon as possible, it will likely be at least a few weeks before the station is back online.  

Apologies for any inconvenience caused. 



WeatherCam Previews

Click previews for full size

Lochgelly WeatherCam Preview

Aberdour WeatherCam Preview

Anstruther WeatherCam Preview

Forth View:
Forth View WeatherCam Preview

Kinghorn WeatherCam Preview

St Andrews:
St Andrews WeatherCam Preview

Upper Largo:
Upper Largo WeatherCam Preview

St Andrews SkyCam:
St Andrews SkyCam Preview

Non-Fife Weathercams:

Arduaine (near Oban):
Arduaine WeatherCam Preview

Fife Weather Warnings

There are currently no Met Office weather warnings issued for Fife.